Wednesday, September 5, 2007

I'm gonna be a Great Aunt!!!

Wow! I still cannot believe that Nichole is gonna be a mom...I mean, I'm not surprised AT ALL cuz she's always had that "motherly instinct" ever since she was like 7 or 8! She's about 4 months pregnant and is BARELY starting to show...she asked me to take pics of her every month and then make her a know I am MORE than happy to!!! Here are some pics that we shot in my empty room (more on that later) was funny cuz Nichole didn't want anyone in the room when we took the pics so Kim, Krista, and Wendy were in my backyard peeking thru the window...I think they indulged a little too much that night! lol. Isn't Nichole looking sooooo cute???

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