Thursday, July 26, 2007

I used to write poety...

I bet u didn't know that, huh? Well - yeah, I did. Gave that shit up a long time ago. I'm sure if I tried to put my pen to paper it would be very therapeutic...especially with all of the things that are going on in my life lately...I'm sure my poems these days would be much different from ones that I wrote say 5-10 years ago. Back then they were filled with so many questions (that have since been answered) they would probably just be filled with hate and bitterness...anyways! I tell you this because I recently came across something that I wrote about 5 years ago...on Laura's 13th birthday. I still can't believe she's already 18. Time flies.

13 Years Old Today

My beautiful daughter will you ever know
How much I miss and love you so?
Not a day has gone by that I didn't think of you
Where you are, what you're doing
Do you think of me too?

There are so many things that I need you to know
I've never endured more pain than the day I let you go.
Deep down inside I knew it was best
but since that day
My heart has yet to rest.
Leaving the hospital with empty arms
Made me fall apart
For when you left, you took my heart.

13 years old today, wow time sure does fly.

13 years old - that's when I met your father
So young, so carefree, never knowing together we'd have a daughter.

A daughter we had,
A decision we faced,
The decision we made
Was to have you placed.

Placed for adoption is what we had to do
We were so young, remember?
There was no way we could have taken care of you.

That's where it ends. If my memory serves me correctly, when I was writing this poem, I was so overcome with emotion I had to stop. Kinda makes me want to pick up where I left off...kinda.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So sweet, Karla <3