Monday, June 4, 2007

18 years.

18 years…

A lot can (and has) happened in 18 years.

It only takes 9 months before a baby is born. If you give that baby up for adoption, you remember that baby for a lifetime. Not a day passes that you don’t think of the baby. You wonder so many things. You wonder what the baby was like…as a toddler, as a pre teen, as a teenager. You wonder if the baby, as a toddler, threw temper tantrums, if the baby, as a child, was a picky eater. You wonder if the baby, as a teenager, respects her parents. You wonder what extra curricular activities your baby, is involved in. Music, sports, theatre, dancing? Anything is possible. For this baby anything is possible. That is why you gave the baby up, right? To make sure she knows anything in life is possible. To make sure that she has opportunities given to her, that would not have been, had she stayed with you.

You dream of the day that the baby turns 18, don’t you? You dream of reuniting with your baby, because you just KNOW she is gonna come looking for you. You will finally be able to get answers to all of your questions about her life. You dream of the day that you get a knock at the door…or a late night phone call asking, “Are you my mother?”

Then you get lucky. It happens before the baby is 18. Maybe it happens when she is 16. You spend a few years talking over the computer. You really get to know the baby, who is now a teenager. Who is now 18, and adult, she’s working; she’s even registered to vote.

Anything’s possible.

I know I should have posted this yesterday since it WAS Laura’s 18th birthday. But, just like every other June 3rd, it was an emotional day. I may have hid it, just like every other June 3rd, by taking the boys shopping and spending time with my family. But it wasn’t just another June 3rd. This was the 1st time in 18 years that we actually were able to call her and tell her Happy Birthday. We sung to her over the phone. Awesome. I always hoped that it would happen, but never thought it would. I am so grateful for the relationship that we are building. I love her so much. I couldn’t stop thinking about her. About the dinner that her mom was making. Steak, cuz it’s her favorite. I know cuz that’s what she told me. I wish she could have spent time with us yesterday…but anytime she spends with us is special…whether it’s her birthday, or not. Mark must have been thinking about her a lot yesterday too. He woke up talking in his sleep, asking if she was here. I told him no, cuz physically, she wasn’t. But mentally she is. She always has been. In our hearts…and in our minds. Forever and Always.

Happy 18th birthday Mija…we love you so much.


Anonymous said...

*hugs* a wonderful day for you!

Just Tera said...

happy birthday what a great post!